Complete, not Compete!

by Sheila

Monday, January 07, 2008

MS Blues!

It was great to see so many familiar faces participating in the Blues Marathon/Half Marathon; congratulations to all of you! You are true marathoners!

I can hardly wait to get started again. Everyone keep your fingers crossed and pray that I don't have an injury this year. I REALLY want to do Chicago with you guys! Maybe I should carry a four-leaf clover, a lucky rabbit's foot or something. I don't want it to be that I'm just big a klutz and never feel what it's like to cross that finish line! Hopefully, Chicago will be better for everyone this year. . .

See you guys soon. . .the 26th will be here before we know it!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ready to get started!

I'm signed up for MM at the Rez! Anyone else signed up for the Rez? I can't wait to get started again! Good Luck to everyone participating in the MS Blues Marathon! Hopefully, I will see some of you Saturday from the curb!
Blog on Marathoners!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Friday, December 07, 2007

Exciting News!

We found a house!! And get this - it's walking (wogging) distance from Lakeshore Park. No more taking the front tire off my bike and loading it in my car!! I was planning to go to Fleet Feet with you guys tomorrow, but I think I will be packing to move!! Hopefully, we will be in our new little home by Christmas!! Can you tell I'm excited? I mean, I'm happy in our apartment, but this is great! Since it's a patio home, there's no yard work - literally - no mowing, just a weed eater will do the job! So that's like living in an apartment without the upstairs neighbors making noise at all hours! LOL.

On another note, I sent a few of you an email of my son's t-shirt website. Dusty is the one that ran the Chicago Marathon with you guys. Well, he has created website where you can order t-shirts with the saying on the front like his wife made for their daughter, "My Dad ran 26.2 miles. . .What did yours do?" Everyone that saw it during the marathon loved it. (See picture in my previous blog.) Visit the site and tell your friends about it. The site is: He even has some that say "My Wife. . . My Husband. . . My Grandma. . . My Grandpa."

I won't be at the party tomorrow night because I'm going to Vicksburg to see my nephew perform a solo in the Warren Central Madrigal Singers. He's really good and a senior so I don't want to miss it. I hope to see you marathoners soon. . .starting blogging again everyone!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Memories of Chicago

It meant so much to be in Chicago with friends and family! I'm not sure you can read Iliana's shirt but it says "My Dad ran 26.2 miles. . .what did yours do?" I think my daughter-in-law is getting a patent on the design!! LOL Let me know if you want to place an order.
It was great seeing you guys today although I didn't get to speak to each of you. Mandy, Ann and Debbie, y'all are looking great! Vickie, it was great getting to walk with you for a little while; I hope you'll be back soon. Kim, you're an inspiration to all just by being out there with a newborn at home! Matt, you're very handsome with your new "scruffy" look! I've missed talking to you Pam, but it was great seeing you out there!

I have to admit that I haven't walked in a couple of weeks; so much has been going on lately. 1) You may remember that back in April I was assigned to a new attorney when the attorney I worked with for 4 years left the firm in March. It was quite an adjustment for me since I had to move to a different floor away from the people I had worked with for 4 years. 2) Shortly after my move is when I fell on my way into work, ended up on a walker for a month, then was told that I couldn't do the Chicago Marathon; it was Curb Crew for me (which I loved). 3) In September, I was assigned a young new associate who is extremely nice, but that meant I had 4 attorneys to work with (a former Judge just retired). 4) The attorney who left the firm is coming back starting Monday; last Wednesday, I returned to the 2nd floor to work with him again. AND 5) We've been house hunting! I definitely feel like a Marathoner with all that has been going on! Plus I've been having a little knee pain in my GOOD knee. . . so I only did three miles today. I hope to add a mile each week so I'll be ready for Marathon Makeover 2008; I certainly don't want to have to start over completely!

I've also started a new diet - I'm doing South Beach with my husband (he's lost 25 pounds in about 3½ months; and I've actually lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks, so I'm really starting to feel better). Believe me, it's not easy staying on a strict diet this time of year! I ate the normal Thanksgiving meal, did not go back for seconds, and we made sure that there were no leftovers! LOL The real trick will be Christmas with all the goodies that we have at work. I'm kind of glad that I moved back to the 2nd floor because the ladies on the 4th floor bring some sort of goodie every day starting the Monday after Thanksgiving; the 2nd floor only does it for one week! YIKES! I just pray for strength and willpower to get through December!

I hope to see you guys again before Christmas, but if not, I want to wish each and every one of you the Merriest Christmas, the Happiest Hanukkah, and the best the Season has to offer. Take some time to study what this Season means to you!
I love you all and will see you soon! Keep on blogging!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Nice cool weather

Isn't it great? Finally some weather you can enjoy sweating in! I'm now enjoying the weather on my lunch hour. I keep my walking shoes with me and walk at lunch. Yesterday when I got back, I went to to see how far I actually walked. It turns out that four times around the Governor's Mansion equals one mile - cool huh? I can just keep adding a lap as it gets cooler and cooler. Very soon I will be walking my whole lunch hour and getting two miles in before stopping to get a quick bite and heading back in to work. However, I don't think I'll be RUNNING on my lunch hour! ha ha BTW, is a really neat site. If you haven't done so already, check it out. You can map out your distance before or after your run.
I'm going to be out of town tomorrow but I hope to see you guys next week. Hope you have a great run and enjoy the weather as much as I have been! Blog on Marathoners!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I'm back!

I walked 4½ miles today! That doesn't sound like much to you Chicago Marathoners, but it's a lot to me. Other than being a part of the Curb Crew in Chicago, this was my first time out since my injury last April. I know it's not enough to get me to the MS Blues in January, but by the time MM starts up in February, I'll be running again. Connie and I met at the Rez around 11:30 today (she got in late last night from North Carolina) and it was my very first time to WALK across the causeway. Yep, been across it many times on my bike or my car to help out you MMers, but this was my first time to walk it. And what a gorgeous day for it - cool and windy, but gorgeous all the same.

We had a great trip to South Carolina last week for our visit with Kara & Jason. The weather was beautiful as well as the landscape. I absolutely love the Carolinas, especially when the seasons change. Fall and Spring are absolutely gorgeous! I wish I lived closer to my children, but they have their own lives and have to do what's right for them and their dreams for the future.

Take care guys and have a great week of training! Blog on! I miss you all!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where are you guys?

Okay, I know the Chicago Marathon is behind us, but where did everybody go? Please keep up your blogging! We still need to encourage each other to continue on the right path to a healthy life with lots of exercise. Even if you aren't going to do the Blues, don't let yourself get "the blues." Marathon Makeover has been one of the best experiences in my life and I want it to continue with each and every one of you. I miss reading about you and what's going on in your life. Many of you have made the tough decision to not participate in MM in 2008 and for very good reasons. Family absolutely comes first, as does making a big move toward others goals you have established. Just be sure to save a little time to communicate with your fellow marathoners who want to know how you're doing and to be there for you when you need a little encouragement. Last Saturday was so weird! I actually got some things done at home but it just wasn't the same! I miss you all! My husband and I are leaving tomorrow for South Carolina and will return next Wednesday. I probably won't have access to a computer so when I return, I hope to have many, many blogs to read! You guys training for the Blues, have a great Saturday run, and those that aren't, have a great weekend!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Change of Plans

My plans for visiting my daughter and her husband for Thanksgiving have changed to this weekend. We're leaving Friday and will return Wednesday, which means I won't be seeing you guys Saturday nor will I be at the Walk for Diabetes. However, I will continue to collect your donation packets and get your t-shirts for the walk. Fellow marathoner, Connie Overby, will take my place at the Walk, so look for her to get your shirt and the team picture. I'm really sorry about this, but you all know that your children come first. We haven't seen Kara since May so we don't want to miss this opportunity. I look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks. I hope you have good weather for your run Saturday!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I'm so excited I'm about to pee on myself!! My doctor released me this morning and I can start training again! SLOWLY. . . but I will be out there again! My legs are really sore after all the walking I did over the weekend but at least its the calf muscles and not my knees! I can hardly wait to see you guys and start preparing for the Blues!!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Back Home

Congratulations to all! Whether you finished or were sent back to the starting line, YOU ARE MARATHONERS! Don't be too disappointed. . . you were there giving it your all and that's the most important part of this journey. I was so honored to be a part of the Curb Crew to cheer you guys on and you did GREAT! Thanks for the hugs and the "high fives" during your run. You guys are amazing! I guess we'll just have to teach the organizers of the Chicago Marathon a thing or two about preparing for hot days. . . we train in it and we know how to prepare for it! Thanks to our great leaders Mark, Robin, Matt & Scotty!
Keep on blogging Marathoners!

p.s. I feel like I walked a half-marathon just trying to keep up with you guys and I did not feel the first pain in my knee!!! The pain on the bottoms of my feet is a completely different story! But now I know that it won't be long before I'm back out there with you guys training again. I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow and I hoping after I tell him about Chicago, he'll clear me for training. Hope to see you soon!

Friday, September 28, 2007

This is it!

One week from now we will be sitting on that plane to Chicago! One week! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it and I'm not even running! I'm excited for each of you and my son, Dusty! You have done the work, made the sacrifices, put in the time, encouraged each other, and now you are ready to run your own race. Even though I'll be on the curb, I'll be behind you every step of the way shouting and screaming for you. . .because you are all MARATHONERS! Tomorrow is your LAST group run of ONLY 10 miles then you're off to do that 26.2 miles that only 1% of the population will ever do. If ever you want to be in the 1% of anything, THIS IS IT! AND YOU ARE THERE!
See you tomorrow in Clinton!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Slammed at Work!

Sorry I haven't blogged this week but I've been working with five attorneys all week. I was assigned a new associate plus I'm working with an attorney whose secretary is on maternity leave. Such is the life of a legal secretary. . . I've put in enough extra hours that I can leave early and get some things done today that I have been putting off. Then it's "early to bed and early to rise. . . " to meet you guys at Fleet Feet. This is it guys. . .your last two runs before Chicago! You have all done such a fantastic job that when you get to Chicago, you'll be topping off a wonderful trip with an accomplishment few will ever know. . . 26.2 miles! I am already itching to get started for next year!!!
See you Marathoners tomorrow! Here's hoping for wonderful weather again!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hey Joan!!

Hey Marathoners - You guys have to check out Joan Alliston in the Southern Style section of today's Clarion Ledger. You can also see it at The story is very inspiring and brings back a lot of memories from my childhood where I would sit under a quilting frame hanging from the ceiling while my grandmother and her friends had a "quilting bee." Who knows, maybe I'll get into quilting. I still have the quilt my grandmother made for me when I was a child but was not given to me until I married. She did that for all of her grandchildren. My Mom has also made some beautiful quilts but developed carpal tunnel and stopped for a while (until she had the carpal tunnel release surgery). I may have to check out that quilting show at the Craft Center this weekend. Way to go Joan! You've been through so much and look at you now - headed for Chicago to run a Marathon! Talk about an inspiration to others! You win the prize!

Is everyone ready for Saturday? Have you all hydrated and carbed up for the big day? Hopefully you will have good cool weather and maybe the rain spilling over from the incoming hurricane will be over by then.

Blog on Marathoners! See you Saturday!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Good News. . .

I have not caused further damage to my knee which is very good. I only bruised the tendons around my kneecap and that's the reason for the constant aching. However, my stress fracture is not completely healed so I can't walk in the 5k Walk for Diabetes in October, but I'll be there with those of you who will be participating. My doctor said that I may be able to do the MS Blues, just maybe. I will see him again the day after we get back from Chicago and will know more then. You know, I see a lot of you guys who have had an injury and bounced back really well and are able to continue toward your goal. I'm so proud of you for not giving up! I guess I didn't fully understand the damage I did to my knee back in April when I fell coming into work that morning. What a klutz!! Well, anyway, if I can at least do the half in January, maybe I'll be ahead of the game for Chicago next year! And, being a part of the Curb Crew in Chicago this year, I will definitely know what to expect when I wog it next year. See you guys in Clinton tomorrow and at the meeting in Jackson. . .I hope you all have a great 10-mile run!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Knee Troubles again

I think my fall off my bike did a little more damage than I thought. I'm going to call my doctor today and see if he can see me before my scheduled appointment on the 18th. I'm hoping he will say that it's just a skinned knee so that I can start walking more to prepare for the 5k in October not to mention all the walking I'll be doing in Chicago as part of the Curb Crew. Okay. Enough of that. On to more important things.

YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! Has it really sunk in that ya'll are about to run in the Chicago Marathon in 31 days!!?? I can hardly wait to see every one of you out there with your orange Marathon Makeover shirts crossing that finish line after coming so far since February! Everyone of you MMers ROCK!!! And I also want to give a big shout out and huge hug to my son, Dusty, who will be there with you guys! Dusty, I'm so proud of you and your desire to do this with me and now your even harder work to do this for yourself since my knee won't let me run with you! It's my hope that we WILL run a marathon together one day in the future! With the way that Iliana runs around everywhere, maybe she will run a marathon with her Daddy one day and it will become a family tradition to run a marathon together!

I love you all and you each inspire me to work to get back out there. See you Saturday in Clinton. Blog on Marathoners!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Cool Morning!

You guys really lucked out with the cool weather this morning. After everyone left, I had to get my blanket out of my car to keep warm. Plus I could barely keep my eyes open. I guess if I had been planning to ride my bike today, I could have stayed awake. I have no idea what was wrong with me today. I'm sorry I had to leave before everyone made it back. I was amazed at how fast you guys started getting back to Fleet Feet. I hope everyone had a good run and enjoyed the cool morning. Have a good week and I'll see you next Saturday.
Blog on Marathoners! Only five weeks to go before Chicago!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Saturday's Fall

Looks like I'll be sitting out this week due to my fall on Saturday. Sometimes I think that I'm just not meant to complete a marathon, running or riding. But I'm doing my best not to give up. I've come too far for that. My bike is being checked out [actually the bike's 30-day check-up ;o)] and once I see my orthopaedist on the 18th, we'll know for sure where I stand in the "completing" category. I've been pretty sore all over since my little "accident" Saturday. I could hardly get off the couch Saturday and Sunday. I just can't express my appreciation enough for all you marathoners that were around to help me. Usually I'm glad no one is around when I fall, but this time, I'm not sure I would have been able to get up by myself. I rode far beyond our turn-around point so my legs were like jelly when I tried to stand up. So thanks guys for being there!
Have a good week everyone and I'll see you marathoners on Saturday!

Monday, August 20, 2007

I'm such a slacker!

I've been slacking again but I'm back to writing things down that I have to do each day when I get home. It works for me because I feel guilty when I don't get to mark everything off the list. It's sad, but I even have to write "exercise" on the list! But at least it gets done that way. I guess I'm like everyone else with this problem, blame it on the heat. I told my husband yesterday that this is the first time I can remember actually looking forward to cold weather. I'm not really a cold weather kind of person but then I'm obviously not a hot weather person either. Yep, you got it - Spring and Fall for me. I can still wear my sandals and breathe at the same time! I'm really looking forward to cooler temps and a good report from my doctor next month telling me I can start training again. I want to be ready for the Diabetes "mere" 5k in October and the Mississippi Blues Marathon in January - I'm hoping for the full marathon but I'll be happy to complete the half. I haven't heard yet weather Mark and Robin are going to continue training with us through January so if anyone is interested in training with me, please let me know. We'll figure something out!
Have a good week, Marathoners!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

OK, I spoke too soon. . .

My attorney/boss sent me home since he was leaving to work at the MC Law Library. He walked in first thing this morning and said "We can't do this! It's actually 90 degrees in here," and he had the thermometer to prove it. AND that was at 8:00 a.m.! Can you imagine what it's going to be like at noon? I'm old enough to remember days without air conditioning, but I certainly don't want to go back there!!!
Later, Marathoners!


Not only outside, but inside too. Have you ever worked in a 4-story office building with no air conditioning? Well, that's what I'm doing today, tomorrow and maybe Monday. Yep, the the second of 4 compressors died from heat exhaustion yesterday. The funeral is today with it's replacement expected to start next week. It evidently has to "relocate" here from who knows where, and of course, has to go through the mandatory training session (city permit) before beginning work. In the meantime, 150 employees suffer with "fans" blowing hot air through the halls. I left work yesterday at 4:15 and when I walked outside, it was cooler than inside! Sure, there was a breeze blowing in a rain shower, but still, cooler outside than inside? I mean, please, we have had over a 100 degrees all week and most of us would rather take our computers and sit outside than in our windowless offices! And we can't possibly close the office. Oh no, that would be money down the drain if the attorneys can't bill time. Yeah well, I wonder how many of those attorneys will be working from home today and tomorrow?! Oh yeah, we got an email late yesterday afternoon saying that they are "loosening the dress code." I wore yesterday exactly what they said we could wear today! Uh, can you tell that I'm just a bit "steamed" and really don't want to be here? I guess I should be thanking my marathon training for preparing me for my 8:00-5:00 job, huh? Who'd a thunk it? I guess I'll be hydrating all day so I don't pass out on my keyboard!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Not much going on. . .

Except the heat! I can't believe how hot it is. Hopefully it will be better Saturday at 5:00 a.m. I went to Vicksburg after the run Saturday and spent the night with my sister and her family - my Mom was there too. I went to church with them Sunday and my 17-year old nephew sang a solo. . . oh my goodness, what an extraordinary treat! He was absolutely amazing! And such a sweet kid too.

I was a bit under the weather yesterday and stayed home from work. Back at work today, but I still don't feel like I'm fully recovered. Maybe those 24-hour bugs are now 48-hour bugs. LOL

Have a good week everyone! Remember to hydrate and don't overdo in this heat!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Mississippi Walk for Diabetes

On Sunday, October 21, 2007, Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi, Inc. will hit the road for a cure with Mississippi's Walk for Diabetes. (I know this is only 2 weeks after Chicago, but I'm sure all of you marathoners will be rested and can surely do a 5k by then.) I will be the Team Captain representing Watkins & Eager, my employer. Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. and the 5k walk begins at 2:00 p.m. at Southern Farm Bureau located on I-220 at the Watkins Drive exit. If you participate with us, there will be no need for you to arrive in time for the registration; just show up for the 2:00 p.m. 5k and the following fun activities. This worthy cause raises money for diabetics in Mississippi and all donations (100%) stay in our state. This is an excellent opportunity to help and support family and friends with this disease. If you are interested in participating and/or making a donation, please let me know. We are also selling raffle tickets ($25) for a 2007 Honda Civic thanks to Patty Peck Honda. The drawing for the car is September 6. I will have the information with me tomorrow morning at Fleet Feet for the 9-mile walk/run or you can give me a call at my work number - 601-965-1886 or email me at for more information. For those of you who have already expressed your interest in participating - THANK YOU!! This means so much to me since my husband was diagnosed with this incurable disease in 1988. The constant finger pricks, injections of just the right amount of insulin and managing proper diet are an everyday battle in his life. With the research and education provided by this Foundation, life for diabetics in Mississippi can be improved.
Tomorrow promises to be tough with extreme heat and humidity so take it slow and easy AND be sure to have your water bottles and a flashlight with you for the run. Take care and I'll see you there at 5:00 a.m. I'm so glad a live nearby! LOL

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Not much. . .

Not much going on with me this week other than having to run errands every day after work. You see, my Saturdays are totally involved with this thing called Marathon Makeover. It is absolutely the most fun and best thing I have ever done for myself. Sure, occasionally I get a little disappointed that it didn't turn out exactly as I had planned but I'm staying with it in the hopes that next year will be my year. I have made so many wonderful new friends that I otherwise would never have even met. And talk about a learning experience. . .WOW! It just goes to show that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!

The party Saturday night at Cathy and Charlie's was great fun! What wonderful hosts they are! Listen Marathoners. . . we cannot stop being friends after Chicago. We must stay in touch, keep on blogging, plan more get togethers and continue walking/running together. Being a part of this wonderful group is such a blessing in my life and I love you all.

Thank goodness we're only doing 9 miles this Saturday. With the temperature predicted to be 101, I hope we can make it the full 9 miles! SHUT UP Sheila!! We are marathoners and nothing can stop us now!! The goal is to Complete, not Compete!!!

Friday, August 03, 2007

My Turn. . .

Following Kayra's lead, here are some random tidbits about me. . .

~ I am the oldest of 2 girls (we're 12 years apart).

~ I fear falling out of airplanes. Since my Dad was a crop duster, I grew up in small airplanes and even learned to fly (never soloed). So it was really hard for me to understand why my oldest son would jump out of planes for fun!

~ I too love the mountains and my husband and I hope to live our final days near some.

~ No coffee for me. My drink of choice is a fountain Diet Coke.

~ I am a great holiday cook. I can really put on a spread for any occasion but that's the only time I like to cook.

~ I'm not a huge reader but I can get into a good book now and then. It's ironic that one of the attorneys I work with is writing a book titled "Flying Machines" and I'm helping him edit it. He recently went to the Oshkosh Airshow and actually found the T-6 my Dad restored and flew for several years. Just in case you don't know what a T-6 is, take a look at the picture below!

~ I learned to drive when I was 12 and my grandfather asked me to teach my cousin how to drive in his tiny Fiat in our cow pasture! LOL

~ Growing up, all I ever wanted to do was get married and have children. I actually had a savings account to "buy me a wedding." I was 6, what did I know!

~ I love to dance but don't do it much any more.

~ My favorite color is maroon, and not just because we're State fans.

~ I hate shopping except when I really NEED something. . .then I'll shop til I drop.

~ I've always dreamed of writing a book but it would have to be biographical and I don't think anyone would buy a book about me. . .LOL

~ I can't stand to look at sardines and raw oysters. . .YUK!

~ If money wasn't an issue, I would volunteer to teach conversational English. What a hoot it would be to have someone pick up my southern accent. LOL I've always wanted to go to Hollywood to teach actors how to speak with a southern accent. Some do okay, but others just don't have a clue.

~ I've moved around and lived in Louisiana, Mississippi, back to Louisiana, back to Mississippi, South Carolina and back to Mississippi. Whew!

~ I believe starting every day with a chance to get it right.

~ I hate it when someone lies to me. I won't lie to you, so you don't lie to me.

~ I love my job but also wish I had more time off to travel as well as spend time with my children and grandchildren.

Okay, you blogging marathoners - Your Turn!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

18 miles - WOW

Finally, I must be doing something right! According to my scales this morning, I have lost 4 pounds since Sunday! I know, I know, it's all water right now. I'll take whatever I can get for encouragement to keep it up. It's been so hot after work, I decided to give our indoor recumbent bike a try this week. I'm still having a few problems with my tailbone injury, so I was prepared to sit on a pillow if necessary. But I didn't need it and now I'm getting more exercise. Yea, Me!!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday for the 18 miles and the party. Remember, don't push yourself too hard in this heat and humidity; hydrate, hydrate and hydrate some more!
Blog on Marathoners!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Getting Back on Track

Thank you all for the encouraging comments, especially my son Dusty with his "tough love" approach! I need a good kick in the butt every now and then to keep me headed in the right direction. And I think I'm getting there.

It was really great getting to visit with many of you Saturday. It seems like each week, I get to know someone new and find out that we have a lot in common. We either work in the same field or we know some of the same people. My world keeps getting smaller!

After my Saturday ride with you runners, I went to Vicksburg to help my sister in her house. They have been remodeling/repairing their home after a tree fell on their living room and kitchen. They're doing a lot of the work themselves to save money because INSURANCE didn't pay 100%. So I went over and we visited, painted, had lunch and visited, and painted some more! I guess we could have done a lot more work but we don't get together too often so the visiting was nice too.

Yesterday I spent most of my time cleaning house, doing laundry and running errands with one break for a movie, Hairspray. If you like musicals, it's a great one! And John Travolta is a hoot! A 30-pound fat suit didn't interfere with his dance moves! LOL

I started my "check-off" list for the week so when I get home each day, I know what has to be done before I go to bed at night! I also did much better with my eating yesterday! Great Harvest Bread for breakfast, a banana mid-morning, fruit in the afternoon and a big salad for supper. Where does "movie popcorn" fit in on the Super Foods list? Yes, I did have half a small bag of popcorn; half a small bag - usually I can eat a whole small bag or more! So I consider that an accomplishment (not finishing the bag, that is). For movies in the future, I'm going to sneak in a South Beach bar or something more healthy.

So far today, I've had a bagel which is my normal breakfast on the way to work. I brought fruit and yogurt for lunch. I haven't figured out dinner yet, but it will be light - maybe a Lean Cuisine. I do have some things to do at home after work, but one of the things on my list is to ride my bike, so I'll be out there late after it starts to cool down a little (I'll be out there even if it doesn't cool down, because. . .

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Down & Out

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been in a bit of a funk and down on myself. I guess I'm still so disappointed about not being able to run in Chicago. Even though I'm still out there with you guys every Saturday on my new bicycle, I want to be pounding the pavement with you. I haven't been exercising like I should, I've been eating so wrong that I can feel myself swelling up like a balloon and then I just eat more. I haven't been to the pool any this month - I planned to go Tuesday and talked myself right out of it. I'm so proud of all of you out there giving it your all and here I am sitting around feeling sorry for myself. What do I tell myself in order to turn things around? I practically "live" for Saturday and then the rest of the week I've fallen back into my "pre-Marathon Makeover" ways - MAJOR couch potato. I was a marathoner and I want that back! I think maybe I need to sit down with pencil in hand and form a new plan. Maybe if I write it down where I have to check it off once I've done the task, I will see some progress. I'll get my WeightWatcher stuff out and start writing everything down. I done it before, surely I can do it again. I just have to wrap my mind around it and JUST DO IT! Okay, enough of the pity party!

I hope everyone has had a great week and you're all ready for a "short" run of only "10" miles in Clinton Saturday. I've been a little concerned about riding my bike on the Clinton streets where you have to be more careful of the traffic, but I'll give it a shot. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Blog on Marathoners!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This is MY Life! True Story

I am constantly telling Kelvin "nissannurse" how funny he is. I believe this will even make him laugh.

Every morning My Darling Husband sends an email around to his co-workers as a "Thought for the Day" type thing and below is today's "thought." I hope it makes you laugh as much as I did. . . in fact, I had tears streaming down my face by the time I got to the end of it! Maybe Harvey and Kelvin could come up with a comedy act!!! LOL

I got nothing…. No thought…. I’m thoughtless… I’m without thought….Void of thought altogether and I’ll tell you a little story why it is that I have no thought….

I sometimes compare marriage to the Middle East. In order for two such diverse cultures to coexist peacefully, there must be give and take from both sides. I pride myself on always doing as much as I can to promote peace…. to understand the history and feelings and beliefs of others….to live and let live….to be open-minded.

And in order to fully appreciate this story you must understand the circumstances which brought me to today’s writing.

You see, the air density currently in Mississippi is typical in the summer, and this summer is no different… it is comparable to, and has the consistency of wet cotton…it’s just damned humid is what it is. This tends to stir my allergies like a witch on methamphetamines would stir her brew. Therefore, I’m currently taking enough antihistamines to choke Godzilla… which makes me verrrrrrrrry thirsty… which makes me drink a lot of liquids…. which makes me prone to late-night/early morning emptying of my 54 year-old bladder… which has survived my early years of party-hardy, live-like-there’s-no-tomorrow, moderation-is-for-nuns, life-style in the ‘60s and 70s.

Last night started off very normal. Early to bed, early to rise, makes this man…well, able to get to work. In the spirit of consideration to two women with which I share our humble abode, (and because self-preservation is a very strong instinct in most men), I’ve developed a way to relieve this old, worn-out bladder without turning on lights, and making verrrrry little noise.

Now, I’m sure that most females don’t know this (yeah right), but despite the aim and accuracy of Robin Hood, sometimes, just sometimes, and despite our very best effort… when emptying our “reservoir of fluids,” we men sometimes find a very small, really miniscule amount of our “stream” going astray….COMPLETELY BEYOND OUR CONTROL mind you. I know, I know, how in the heck, you ask, can this happen? Well, it just can… of course, I, myself NEVER have this problem, ok? But just to be on the safe side…and, just in case mind you…and in the interest of peace in the Middle East… instead of turning on a light, I simply sit down.

Ok, I said it. I take the sissy way out and sit down….can we get past that? Thank you.

Anyway, the routine is always the same…I don’t think about it, it’s just all subconscious movements…..finish, stand, reach back around to flush, pull up shorts, go back to bed. Well, last night things went a tad askew. As I reached back around to flush, my feet slipped on the acrylic tile, and my shoulder blade went crashing into the tank part of the toilet like a 747 crashing into the side of a mountain… Libby (our 4 year-old weimeraner) started barking like she’d been shot, and all hell broke loose…

Not only had I split the tank like a #+*^#^* cracked egg, I had managed somehow to begin the flushing process as well. So the half-full tank was spilling onto the floor, AND the toilet was trying to refill a tank that now lay split in half like the red sea… so “Old Faithful” was spewing more water into the air just as fast as Ridgeland’s water pressure could shove it skyward. I scrambled to turn on the light so I could find the shut off valve, slipping and sliding and crashing into any and everything in my way. My 4 year-old weimeraner, who barks at literally anything that moves or makes a sound, was barking at the top of her very powerful, IAMS-ONLY-fed *+#^*+@$&+* lungs like the Hounds of the Baskerville, and I was screaming at her to “shut the @$*+#@ UP!!! *$%+&*% LIBBY!!!!”

It was at this precise moment in time that my lovely wife, Sheila, turned over in bed and muttered, “need any help, hun?”

Deep in my heart, I know she meant well, but I swear, had I had access to one of those RPGs or IEDs or WMDs, my lovely Sheila would’ve been DOA and I’d be SOL and on my way to prison right about now, wondering how the hell would I survive the rest of my life without bending over to pick up the soap in one of those prison showers.

Instead, I said something along the lines of “SHEILA….IT’S *@#*&^* 9/11 IN HERE *%^$%^*& - %*…………….

“YES I *@#&^*@+* NEED SOME *+@*+*^$#* HELP!!!!!!”

After using every dry towel in the house, and after changing into dry clothes, and after finally lying back down… alarm went off.

So, no thought for the day today….. thankfully no prison police, no handcuffs, no finger-printing, and no mug-shotting either…but dad-gummit my shoulder hurts.

Since all this happened around 3:00 a.m., I'll probably be worthless today!
Have a great week and BLOG ON MARATHONERS!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


It was so good being out there with you guys today (even if it was on a bike)! I was so excited about my new bike that I went the whole 9.whatever miles! I really shouldn't have done that because (1) I haven't been on a bike - well I can't remember when the last time was; (2) I have been totally inactive for the last three weeks, not even swimming; and (3) the last time I was out there with you guys was April 28 (7 miles and I only completed 6½)! My knee has been a little sore this week but it didn't bother me at all today while riding. My thighs, however, are a completely different story - no pain - but they felt like jelly when I first got back to Fleet Feet. I think the walking/running is a lot easier for me. I am hoping that the bicycle will really build up my endurance faster than the swimming does.

I finally met Carol (yea!). It was great to meet you and hear some of your "clothing" stories about your past marathons. There are still a lot of you MMers that I haven't actually met, so when I ride by and ask how you're doing, you'll know it's me. Then when we get back to the starting point, please introduce yourselves. Being part of the Curb Crew, I want to know everyone's name without having to read your shirt in Chicago. So if we haven't "officially" met, give me a tap on the shoulder and tell me who you are. It may take a little while, but I'll eventually get it; please bear with me.

I came home after the run, ate a bite and starting cleaning my apartment. I'm so tired, I had to sit for a few minutes before I could continue. But I HAVE to get it done because I have family coming over later this afternoon to "continue" celebrating my birthday! I think I'm getting too old for this @&%$ !!! Maybe I should hit the floor and do the back exercises Wayne gave me. NOT! I'm usually exhausted after those too. Maybe later.

Okay MMers, it's time to get back to the blogging!!! Carol and I are addicted to this blogging thing, but we really need ya'll too! So, BLOG ON MARATHONERS!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!! ;o)

Yep, another year older and I still don't get to run! I saw Wayne yesterday. You guys were right - he's great! He gave me some exercises to help my back and a few to strengthen my legs without hindering my healing process. These home exercises combined with swimming and biking are really going to help me. . . I can tell already. I just have to psych myself up to get into the routine of daily "self-improvement." Six weeks of not being able to do anything because of my knee has been so depressing and now its tough getting back into the swing of things. So, maybe I should consider returning to WeightWatchers or at least getting back on the program. But not today, cause it's my birthday!
See you guys Saturday at Fleet Feet!!